For the protection of the human being and the environment.

Sunflower Association for the Protection of Humanity and the Environment (SAPHE) is an environmental and developmental organization specialized in the protection of the human being and the environment.

The Sunflower Association for Human and Environment Protection was founded after articulating an awareness of the environmental crisis in Palestine. The sunflower, a native Palestinian plant, stands with dignity and always shifts towards its energy source, the sun. With deep, strong roots in the land, the Sunflower gives her beauty and edible seeds to the community. The scope of our work includes women’s economic and social empowerment, school and park renovation for environmental improvement, and volunteering programs for school students. 


To assume a leading role in the area of protecting humanity and the environment.


To offer creative and innovative high quality services dealing with the human being, environment and various development issues based on a team that enjoys distinguished technical expertise and capacities in the field. 


Recycling waste fabric and trainings on design and recycled products

  • Empowering women for social and economic improvement with trainings and income generation

  • Renovating classrooms, rehabilitated electricity systems, renovation of community parks and school parks.

  • Raising awareness for students to protect public institutions and spaces to give a sense of belonging and responsibility.

  • Launching Amel Project and developing it to support women through a workshop and give them hope for economic independence.